Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki

Region Map[]

There are 56 Locations and 22 treasure chests.


Area Stamina Battles Description Reward
Bosco Forest 1 2 [WATER]Water swarm sighted. -
Hunters' Path 3 3 [FIRE]Fire swarm sighted. -
Overgrown Brush 1 1 [WATER]Behemoth sighted.
Beware [WATER]water attacks.
Icon Elixir Elixir x3
Icon Phoenix Down Phoenix Down x3
Ruined Temple 3 3 [FIRE]Fire swarm sighted. -
Nameless Obelisk 3 3 [WATER]Water swarm sighted. -
Peaceful Lakeside 3 3 [FIRE]Fire and [WATER]water swarm sighted. -
Fisherman's Quarry 4 4 [FIRE]Red Dragon sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Seed fireFire x200,000
Rotted Wharf 3 3 [WATER]Behemoth Cub sighted.
Beware [WATER]water attacks.
Seed waterWater x100,000
Bushy Wetlands 3 3 [WATER]Behemoth sighted.
Beware [WATER]water attacks.
Dusky Sanctorium 4 4 [FIRE]Shade Drake sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Icon Fire Fractal 5 Fire Fractal★5
Icon Water Fractal 5 Water Fractal★5
Clermeil's Abode 4 5 [FIRE]Fire and [WATER]water swarm sighted.
Beware powerful attacks.
Icon Fire Pneuma Fire Pneuma★4
Icon Water Pneuma Water Pneuma★4
Icon Gil Gil x100,000
Leaning Tower 3 3 [WIND]Wind swarm sighted. -
Primeval Forest 3 3 [EARTH]Earth swarm sighted. -
Sanctum 3 3 [WIND]Wind and [EARTH]earth swarm sighted. -
Overlook 4 4 [WIND]Treant sighted.
Beware [WIND]wind attacks.
Seed windWind x200,000
Thousand-Year Blossoms 3 3 [EARTH]Great Malboro sighted.
Beware [EARTH]earth attacks.
Seed earthEarth x100,000
Swinging Vines 3 3 [EARTH]Malboro sighted.
Beware [EARTH]earth attacks.
Howling Leaves 4 4 [WIND]Cockatrice sighted.
Beware [WIND]wind attacks.
Icon Wind Fractal 5 Wind Fractal★5

Icon Earth Fractal 5 Earth Fractal★5

Mielikki's Abode 4 5 [WIND]Wind and [EARTH]earth swarm sighted.
Beware powerful attacks.
Icon Wind Pneuma Wind Pneuma★4
Icon Earth Pneuma Earth Pneuma★4
Icon Gil Gil x110,000
Traveler's Hill 3 3 [LIGHT]Light swarm sighted. -
Embedded Roots 3 3 [DARK]Dark swarm sighted. -
Unkempt Graves 3 3 [LIGHT]Light and [DARK]dark swarm sighted. -
Effigy's Head 4 4 [LIGHT]Kesari sighted.
Beware [LIGHT]light attacks.
Seed lightLight x200,000
Effigy's Left Ear 3 3 [DARK]Dullahan sighted.
Beware [DARK]dark attacks.
Seed darkDark x100,000
Effigy's Right Ear 3 3 [DARK]Ironside sighted.
Beware [DARK]dark attacks.
Effigy's Nose 4 4 [LIGHT]Ophthalmos sighted.
Beware [LIGHT]light and [DARK]dark attacks.
Icon Light Fractal 5 Light Fractal★5
Icon Dark Fractal 5 Dark Fractal★5
Effigy Rising 4 5 [LIGHT]Light and [DARK]dark swarm sighted.
Beware powerful attacks.
Icon Light Pneuma Light Pneuma★4
Icon Dark Pneuma Dark Pneuma★4
Icon Gil Gil x120,000
Bestial Path 3 3 [FIRE]Fire and [WATER]water swarm sighted. -
Temple Entrance 3 3 -
Temple Altar 4 4 [FIRE]Fenrir sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Icon Summon Ticket Summon Ticket x1
Republic of Anozea 2 2 [WATER]Water swarm sighted. -
Path to Town 2 2 [FIRE]Fire Lizard sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Icon Elixir Elixir x3
Busy Plaza 2 2 [WATER]Mantis sighted.
Beware [WATER]water attacks.
Back-Alley Cobblestones 3 3 [WATER]Killer Mantis sighted.
Beware [WATER]water attacks.
Icon Crystal Crystal x5
Lonely Outskirts 3 3 [FIRE]Red Dragon sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Note: Wrong path.
Unpaved Avenue 3 3 [FIRE]Red Dragon sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
Note: Wrong path.
Peasant's Market 3 3 [FIRE]Red Dragon sighted.
Beware [FIRE]fire attacks.
The Slums 3 3 [WIND]Mindflayer sighted.
Beware [WIND]wind attacks.
Icon Extranger Extranger★4
River Respite 3 3 [EARTH]Great Malboro sighted.
Beware [EARTH]earth attacks.
Note: Wrong path.
Hidden Roadside 3 3 [EARTH]Great Malboro sighted.
Beware [EARTH]earth attacks.
Note: Wrong path.
Memory Lane 3 3 [EARTH]Great Malboro sighted.
Beware [EARTH]earth attacks.
Silent Manor 3 3 [DARK]Takshaka sighted.
Beware [DARK]dark attacks.
Icon Gigantuar Bulb Gigantuar Bulb★3
Rumbling Road 2 2 [LIGHT]Ophthalmos sighted.
Beware [LIGHT]light and [DARK]dark attacks.
Visage of Honor 2 2 -
Prim Estates 2 2 [LIGHT]Cyclops sighted.
Beware [LIGHT]light and [DARK]dark attacks.
Lost Hovels 3 3 [DARK]Demon Wall sighted.
Beware [DARK]dark attacks.
Encircled! 2 1 Boss sighted. Icon Growstar Growstar★4
Merchants's Quarter 2 2 [NONE]Collective Leader on your tail!
Defeat him first, before he rallies his allies!
Differing Views Collide 2 2 -
In Hot Pursuit 2 1 Boss sighted. -
Encroaching Anger 2 2 [NONE]Collective Leader on your tail!
Defeat him first, before he rallies his allies!
Rampaging Followers 3 3 -
Historic Palisade 2 2 -
Iron Bridge 3 3 -
Central Plaza Gate 4 4 -
Anozea Central Plaza 5 5 Icon Summon Ticket Summon Ticket x2
Icon Ability Ticket Ability Ticket x20
Icon Crystal Crystal x5

Challenge Area[]

Complete Effigy Rising, Mielikki's Adobe, Clermeil's Adobe and Temple Altar again to receive Icon Summon Ticket Summon Ticket x1 and Icon Mystic Tablet Mystic Tablet x9.
