Mobius Final Fantasy Wiki
Brotherhood (weapon icon)
Warrior IconBrotherhood
A blade born from where the sun meets the sea.
Icon Auto-Abilities BlueUltimate Charger+2
Normal attacks increase the Ultimate ability gauge.
Icon Auto-Abilities BlueElemental Third Strike+2
Increases number of orbs drawn by the third normal attack by 2.

Brotherhood is a warrior-type weapon in the game Mobius Final Fantasy.


This weapon is unlocked and advanced as part of the progression of the Ace Striker job card's skill panels ★1-★4.
It was initially distributed as part of the pre-registration rewards prior to the release of Mobius Final Fantasy's global version.
It became available again on November 24th, 2016 with the release of the Ace Striker job card.


Stats & Auto-Abilities of Brotherhood
Break Power15253545-200
Crit Chance1111-5
Ultimate Charger2222-3
Elemental Third Strike--22-4
Enhance Water----100100
Boost Ultimate----11

Modifications needed for maxed Auto-Abilities and Stars: 74*


  • The original (pre-registration) version of this weapon had the Enhance Water ability show up with +40%. When it was released with the Ace Striker (Job), this was boosted to +100%, and immediately increased the displayed number of mods by 60. Pre-reg players did not see this corrected on their weapons. (sorry!) For all others, there are only 14 actual mods to completion, leaving a long slog with no mods to reach the top stats.
Reddit thread, 2018